With passion comes hard-work and dedication to persevere to become 1% better than yesterday

Physical Education and Social Emotional Learning

4Elite Training Academy is a sports-based organization that uses sports to bridge the gap to education. Education is our first priority. We educate students on the importance of physical fitness, mental health, and nutrition and how to implement that in their everyday lives. The focus of the our PESEL program is to utilize health and wellness to support students Self-Awareness, Social Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making.

In this program physical fitness, mindful eating habits, sports training, and team sports are used to develop and manage each student’s social skills and emotions.

Physical Fitness

Structured physical fitness sessions and obstacle course trainings will support the student’s ability to assess his or her own strength as well as limitations

Mindful Healthy Eating Habits

Mindful healthy eating lessons will promote students to self-manage, control impulses of unhealthy eating, and motivate him or herself to achieve personal healthy eating goals


In the world consumed by social media, it is important for students to understand the importance of respect and the mental health of others

Foundational Sports Training

Foundational sports training promote students to use another lens or person’s point of view when training to work as a team and strengthen their agility

Sports Competition

Scrimmage sports games give students the opportunity to establish and maintain teamwork and healthy relationships with diverse individuals


Who is this For?

Elementary Schools, School Districts, City Parks and Rec

Who Do We Serve?

Los Angeles County

Need More Information? Email Us Today!

Your Students are the Future. Affirm them with Our “i AM” Tee

Affirmation can take your student a long way. Speaking life into a child will not only give them hope but want to go out everyday and achieve their goals. Our Founder, Lucious Davis created the Physical Fitness and SEL Program to help kids overcome the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and wanted the youth to know that they are great STUDENTS, LEADERS, WINNERS, ELITE!

